Bathroom Resources

Spring Cleaning – 5 Step Process for your Bathrooms

Bathrooms tend to need cleaning more than they need organizing, as they don’t accumulate too much clutter – except when it comes to all those products.

The drawers and cabinets of our bathrooms inevitably end up hiding a whole lot of things that need sorting – everything from makeup and hair accessories to first-aid supplies.

And ladies (and men), we haven’t even discussed the various hair products and other bath and body products that collect in this space.

Be ruthless in sorting things out – you really should donate those 15 miniature lotions you’ve picked up at hotels over the years!

  1. Prepare four baskets/piles for items to Keep-Trash-Donate-Other room.
  2. Sort and Purge – As for the “donate” basket, research women’s shelters who often create complete toiletry bags with those sample sizes you’ve collected.
  3. Clean – Give your bathrooms a thorough cleaning: Scrub the bath, shower, toilets, counters, mirror and wipe out your cabinets.  Finish by mopping the floor, and launder any throw rugs, towels, curtains, and decorative linens.
  4. Organize – Use small bins, baskets and trays everywhere you can to group “like items” together.  Use drawer organizers or dividers in any available spaces to keep small items contained and organized.

Follow Organized by Burley on Facebook – For the balance of this week, I will offer you a Daily Task to complete in your bathrooms. 

Take your time.  Recruit the kiddos.

#SpringCleaning #Bathrooms #OrganizedByBurley #DailyTasks #COVID-19

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