Tip of the Day

How to create digital data filing system for your family

How to create digital data filing system for your family

Can You Move Towards Digital Data in 2021?

By now, you should be used to the idea of digital scanning and document archiving. Like most people, you probably also have a number of files and archives already on your computer, such as digital photos, videos, and the like. Depending on your computer use and the amount of data you’ve stored, you may prefer to address digital clutter in several different ways.

Today’s Goal: A digital data filing system that works for a family’s basic needs on a shared computer.

  1. Make a plan > Write a list of all of the digital items you store on your computer. For example;
    • Bills to pay
    • Paid bills/invoices (consider sorting by vendor)
    • Monthly statements (consider sorting by vendor)
    • Photographs (sort by year, month, event name)
    • Scanned photos/homework/artwork
    • Scanned receipts (for warranty or big ticket items
    • Writing, journals, etc.
    • Home budget (You do have one, right?)
  2. Create folders > Each user of a shared computer should have their own folder on the hard drive. Furthermore, you should crate folders for each of above categories, as well as subcategories.
  3. Sort Your Files > Drag files into appropriate sorting folders, then drag folders into “My Documents” or whichever file you’ve designated as a home base.
  4. Protect Your Files > Consider a password storage program or app like LastPass to protect your passwords and data.
  5. Streamline your online data > Clear out any bookmarks in your browser you no longer use.
  6. Back UP Your Files > Determine how you will access all your files in the event of an emergency. How would you feel if you LOST all of those precious photo memories? Consider saving to an external hard drive or flash drive. It is a good idea to back up your files in multiple locations. If you have a safe deposit box, copy your photos once a year onto a flash drive to store in your box, or safe.
  7. Please share how today’s project went for you on Instagram or Facebook tagging me on FB with: @organizedburley Or on Instagram: @organizedbyburley

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