Resources Tip of the Day

Tuesday’s Tip – Get Your Kids on Board

Clear the Clutter in the Playroom

The playroom is a mess!  How to Re-set this Space

If so, get your kids on-board with the following tips:

  1. Set a time(s) each day for re-starting order.
  2. Avoid using the words “clean up” which children interpret as “make look pretty.”  This usually leads to items being tossed into the nearest container, right?
  3. Teach children that a space needs to be re-set, with each item(s) going back into their designated homes/containers.

#Tuesday’sTip #TheSeanaMethod #TidyPlayroom #OrganizedByBurley #NAPOpro

Courtesy of Seana Turner, The Seana Method, NAPO Member


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